This program equips new leaders or those with a career desire to lead with the essential skills and tools to get work done with and through other people. 的 program is designed to help transition successfully from an individual contributor to a leader of others. Effective leaders share some common skills emphasized in this program:
世界正在以前所未有的速度变化. Every day leaders are making countless decisions and facing problems they’ve never encountered before. 今天的领导者必须能够:
引领影响力 addresses the mindset and behavioral changes needed to achieve results with and through other people. 的 领导的4个基本角色 项目内容, 与富兰克林·柯维合作, is a practical framework that helps leaders to focus their time and energy where it will have the greatest impact.
以结果为导向是一篇独家文章, high caliber learning experience that was designed by and for cooperative leaders – there’s simply no other program like it.
Taught by respected North Dakota State University (NDSU) instructors, this program will help you achieve positive results through a greater understanding of governance, 金融, 战略规划/执行, 风险澳门皇冠赌场平台, 以及领导和沟通技巧. Participants are eligible to receive 8 credits that can be applied toward an MBA at NDSU. 另外, you’ll network with other cooperative leaders facing similar challenges and opportunities.